橙就范文网 总结报告 网购弊处总结/网购弊端


网购弊处总结 第一篇My mom and dad used to go shopping with me, but by chance I had my own shopping experience。


网购弊处总结 第一篇

My mom and dad used to go shopping with me, but by chance I had my own shopping experience.

Once, the family did not melon seeds, and mother took twenty yuan to me, said: _you go to the children's supermarket to help her mother to buy bags of melon seeds, and the rest of the money you want to buy what to buy. _. Pay attention to safety!_ I said to my mother, _promise to finish the job. _!_ Take the money, can not wait to go downstairs.

I walk proudly on the road. The air is very fresh and the weather is very cool. I thought to myself, _I can go shopping at last, but this has never happened before. _. The birds seemed to give me the accompaniment, the wind was blowing, as if to say: _must be completed. _ Very soon to the children's supermarket. Here, the first floor is selling food and beverage, and the two floor is mainly for daily necessities and stationery. I started looking for melon seeds on the first floor, but I didn't find it for two times, so I had to go upstairs and buy what I wanted. I picked a beautiful pen, picked another book, and found the melon seeds my mother wanted on the next floor. I calculate, money still has surplus, go to beverage area again picked a bottle to like to drink drink. At the checkout counter, auntie

Ask me: _what is the membership card number?_ _二七四三. _ I blurted out, thought: this can not beat me, I would recite can recite fluently from memory. Having finished the account, I took my things and left happily.

I returned home safe and sound and handed the seeds to my mother. My mother praised me for being able, and I was very happy!

网购弊处总结 第二篇

Alone with the advance of society more and more people tend to online shopping instead of going outside to shop. There is a certainty that online shopping will be gradually a mon lifestyle as time rolls by. Surely, just as every coin has two sides, online shopping es with strengths and weaknesses.

On one side, when customers are longing to get one thing which is hard to be discovered in reality but easy to be searched on the Internet only with a click, they may choose online shopping without hesitating. On the other side, for retailers, online shopping make their products to be known by some people lived in the remote places. In a word, to a large extent, online shopping has bee a vital convenience in our daily life. However, we cannot ignore the weakness of online shopping. As you see, nowadays a lot of people are tempted by the fascinating appearance of products, which bring about damned unsatisfactory. Additionally, no one could insure a pletely secure process of transport. And usually, conflict between retailers and customers occurs when products are damaged. What' s more, it' s highly risky to trade on the Internet especially when one' s puter is invaded by virus.

From my point of view, online shopping should be accepted appropriately by people. For one thing, it is the product of social development, and as more and more people purchase in this way, those who stick-in-the-mud will fall behind the public. For another thing, people should take good care of the credit-card or the deposit-card they use to start online shopping. Last but not least, the government are supposed to work to optimize the network environment.

I hope you have a good luck and enjoy the online shopping pleasure!

网购弊处总结 第三篇

Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time. I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages.

For example,if I have some trouble studying,I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. And I can make more friends on it. Some of my classmates say they feel happy when they talk with more friends with many similar hobbies. However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it,

you will becaome lazy and can't put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you can't live without Internet. So we must be careful when we use the Internet.



网购弊处总结 第四篇

I think it is necessary for a university student to have a correct idea of consumption.

First, consumption according to our own needs, but also to suit our needs.

Second, consumption should be independent, not to repeat word for word what others say, do not follow the crowd, what head.

Third, consumption should be coordinated, not only heavy material consumption and ignore the spiritual consumption.

Fourth, consumer spending should be with their income to adapt and moderate consumption.

At last, we need to avoid the blindness and rational consumption.

If we do that, we will have a correct view of consumption.

网购弊处总结 第五篇

With the popularity of the Internet, more and more people do shopping online. Without going out of their home, they may look for whatever items they want and pay online only by clicking the mouser. A couple of days later, the goods they buy online will be delivered at their front door.

As for this new phenomenon, people have different ideas about it. Some think that doing shopping online is time- and energy-saving. People can buy anything at anytime they like without a computer hooked onto the Internet. They may say good-bye to the exhausting journey of searching. While others believe that they cannot touch, smell, or taste what they want. They don't feel certain about their choice. Besides, they doubt whether the companies will deliver the right items at right time to a right place.

In my opinion, shopping online is convenient indeed. But we should be very careful when we decide which item to buy and with company is trustworthy.

Additionally, we should guard against the hackers who intend to steal our account passwords.

网购弊处总结 第六篇

The usage of Internet becomes one of the most controversial topics in the society. As a college student, I believe Internet is beneficial to me more than the way it harms me. There are many advantages for using Internet.

First, I can best use my time to find information online instead of going to different libraries. Also, the information can be dated back in decades ago. It is very helpful to use those information as reference and historical proof. In the library, it is hard to find so much _old_ information. Another advantage to use Internet is that I can stay home and have a lecture online. It is much more convenience to me because I can stay warm to have class in the winter time instead of spending two hours on the bus and physically attend class. In addition, Internet provides me a better way to communicate with my friends and professors. I can get response from my professor in a few minutes instead of waiting outside of his door for hours. Some of my friends are living in a foreign countries, I can simply just drop him an email whenever I can and get a message from him very quick. It is much better than waiting for letters. Also, the email will not lose while the letter might be losing in the process of delivery.

However, there are also disadvantage of using Internet. For example, I might spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on my study. Also, there is a chance that I am cheated because of the Internet purchasing. Last, Internet has lots of information, both helpful and harmful. There might be too much tempatation that I will access some of the harmful information I can on the Internet.

Even though the usage of Internet has both positive and negative effect to me, I still consider Internet is a symbol of technology development. I believe I can use the Internet very well as long as I know how to control myself.

网购弊处总结 第七篇

This morning, I got up, and ran to the balcony, breathing the fresh air, enjoy the sunshine, then, and father, mother take the free bus to Carrefour, Carrefour shopping, to have the Spring Festival special purchases for the Spring Festival.

Carrefour Plaza to the car, I follow mom and dad left and right down the elevator, dad said, wow! It is the basement of the square, we get the car started shopping mall. Carrefour is something really have everything that one expects to find, first of all, I bought a bottle of Jay Chou on behalf of the tea flavor of tea, 二. 六 yuan for my own, I watched all want to drink, my mother bought a leather front row 二一. 一 yuan, 二八 yuan and St skeleton, onions and lettuce 二. 六 yuan 五. 六 yuan st and so on, we have a three are 三九. 九 Yuan love happy, my father bought a bag of sweets and snacks, we get the check, the total price of 四三七. 八 yuan, I paid 四五零 yuan, 一二. 二 yuan back, we went home by bus.

Back home my father taught me how to do the planning, accounting, calculation of spending, balance the housekeeper of common sense, today, I'm really happy, I not only buy tea tea and pistachio themselves like snacks, but also learn some knowledge of life, but also to eat my mother do Hamburg, delicious.

网购弊处总结 第八篇

In current society, shopping on the Interent isbecoming more and more popular. It has many advantages and disadvartages.

Advantages: shopping on the Internetis convient and faster for customers. They can stay at home looking for the items, they need or like through the Internetwhich supplies a variety of products.

People neednt to go shopping in stores. Then it can reduce cars amount on the road. So it also can reduce pollution of the gas. Its unpollution and reduce energy.

Disadavantages: customers can buy false production. People will be demaged and have many bussniss also demaged.

So we shopping on the Internetshould notice the production. And we should avoid the false production on the Internet.

网购弊处总结 第九篇




一、 消费观念复杂,感性消费占优势


二、 学生对品牌的忠诚度很高


三、 消费倾向多样化



大学生的钱“从哪里来,到哪里去? ” 通过调查发现,在生活费来源方面, 有七五%的同学依靠父母,一三%的同学依靠贷款,八%的同学获得了奖学金,九%的同学通过打工补贴日常开销,另有一%的同学还需减免学费。由此可见, 同学们主要的经济来源是父母,但来源趋向于多元化。但生活费不包括学杂费和住宿费等,要是这个“大头”加上去,来自父母的比例将更高,可以这么说,大学生基本上还是以一个纯消费者的身份出现在社会的舞台上。










(二)学校应加强对学生消费观念培养。事实求是,高校思想政治教育对学生消费观教育还没有形成足够的重视。对大学生消费心理和行为研究不足 “两课”教学中对大学生消费观的教育指导不够。由于对大学生的消费心理和行为了解不够全面和客观以及课程设置等因素,与人生观、劳动观、金钱观、国情观等重要思想观念紧密相关的消费观的专题教育在思想品德修养课中没有充分开展,从而也难以达到真正的指导目的。





网购弊处总结 第一零篇

Nowadays, can we find a person who has not experienced online shopping? Definitely not. Online shopping is coming intofashion in most of cities due to the rapid development of internet technology.

Online shopping is welcomed by most people due tovarious reasons. From the perspective of consumer, it can save some time forpeople who don' t have much spare time. Just click the mouse, they can get whatever they want while staying at home. For the retailers, it can cut some costs for those who don' t have much circulating funds. They don' t have to renta house and spend money on employees compared with the traditional trade mode. However, there are still some defects in online shopping. First, face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. Second, people willlose the fun of bargain.

It is undeniable that shopping on the internet has become an irresistible trend in modern society. It' s of great urgency thatwe need to regulate the relative laws in accordance with the rapid growth ofonline shopping. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concern of being treated.

网购弊处总结 第一一篇

With the development of the Internet and the popularization of puters, shopping on the Internet has bee a monplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.

Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the modities they like.

This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods e in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their puters and click the mouses. The modities they order will be delivered to them promptly.

However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the puter.

The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to plain.

网购弊处总结 第一二篇

With advent of the Internet, a brand-new shopping style gradually comes into people's life. That is so-called on-line shopping, which has gained great popularity among more and more web users. Just as shown in the picture, the young lady is shopping merrily on line. Shopping on line does offer people great convenience, though there is still a great number of people who are filled with worries about on-line shopping.

Like many new things, online shopping has its advantages and disadvantages.

The biggest advantage of shopping online is convenience. You order a commodity you want and it will be delivered to you at door next day.

Another advantage is economic. You can gain access to bargains on the web shops and enjoy all sorts of discounts. However, there are still risks in online shopping. Entering the card details on the Internet is not completely safe and some of the products you purchase online may fall short of your expectation. Shopping on the internet has become an irresistible trend in modern society. With the rapid growth of online shopping, it is of great urgency that relative laws should be formulated to ensure the security of online shopping.

Here are two pieces of advice for online buyers. When shopping online, be sure to choose secure and credible websites and read the privacy and security policies before making any purchases. When paying, use the third party services to so that personal details should not be revealed. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concern of being treated. 。

网购弊处总结 第一三篇

The quick and easy access to the I comfort and convenience to ourdaily life, and a growing number of people today prefer to do their purchase on line rather thanleave for the real shops.

Despite its obvious advantages, online shopping can also be a recipe for _troubles_. In thefirst place, you can never have a real contact with the stuff you want to buy you do in a real shop. Thus, occasions are not rare when buy something that doesnot really fit you or suit you. What' s more, if you are not lucky enough, you are likely to betrusted into the hands of some dishonest sellers, bringing home fake goods.

In my perspective, we should first develop a better sense of judgment whiledoing onlineshopping, and at the same time, more supervision systems are supposed to be built to ensurea more reliable andpleasant onlineshopping environment.

With the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn't step out of the room.

It seems easy and quick. But there's always a trap(陷阱)online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, you'd better not buyclothes online. Once you put on the clothes youbought onlineand go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street.

So you must be careful, because everything has two sides.

网购弊处总结 第一四篇

Nowadays, shopping on the Internet, or shopping online, is being more and more popular. More and more people are using the internet to buy somethings. Why do people use the internet to shop?Some people say that it is more convenient. They can just stay at home and shop for anythings that they want at any time, day or night.

If you want to buy something on the internet, you need a credit card. You have to type you credit card number and information on the web site and send it to the store over internet. But you should pay attention to because every thing has two point, shopping online has advantages and disadvantages.

网购弊处总结 第一五篇

Online shopping With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in people' s life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. It tends to be a common phenomenon.

Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Different people hold the different ideas according to this phenomenon. The majority of people believe that online shopping is not only convenient but also helpful for people as a new shopping way. On the one hand, online shopping doesn' t need you to pour a lot of time and energy into buying things. If you go shopping in this way, you will spend a few minutes choosing the things that you need online instead of going out.

Moreover, online shopping doesn' t need us to get the things in person. On the other hand, online stores can provide various goods to satisfy our endless need. Besides, we can save much money by online shopping.

From above, we can know that online shopping has good effect on our life, but every coin has two sides. Some people hold the opposite ideas. First, for example, we maybe buy something wrong online because we don' t take much notice of the quality of the goods. Second, there are many swindlers who cheat us out of money by opening a fake online store.

As far as I am concerned, shopping online is an irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. Although shopping online is a good way in shopping, we also need to reflect on when we buy things in this way.

网购弊处总结 第一六篇

Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology, shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example, shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorten the distance between manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in other countries.

On the other hand, lack of the face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. What' s more the delivery will increase the risk of items' damage. In my opinion, shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect.

网购弊处总结 第一七篇















网购弊处总结 第一八篇

With the development of the e-commerce, more and more people intent to do the shopping online. There are many advantages of online shopping, yet there are some disadvantages too.

随着电子商务的发展, 网络购物变得越来越流行。网络购物有很多优点, 然而也有不少缺点。

On the one hand, the online shopping are very convenient. Unlike the physical stores, there is no limit of time for you to do the shopping online. And you can find anything in the online store, some of which you may hardly buy at the local. And also, the price is relatively transparent, you can choose the affordable one to buy.

一方面, 网络购物非常方便。不像实体店, 网络购物对你来说没有任何时间限制。而且你可以在网店找到任何东西, 有些还是你在当地很难买到的东西。并且, 价格也相对透明, 你可以选择实惠的.商品来买。

On the other hand, since the goods are only presented by the pictures and descriptions, it is hard to tell its reality, so you might have bought something you don' t like, or even the fake one. Of course you can ask for the after service, but it will increase your cost of the time. And the advertisements on the online shops may make you spend much more money on online shopping without being conscious.

另一方面, 由于商品只是通过图片和描述展示, 很难断定其真实性, 所以你很可能买到你其实不喜欢的商品, 甚至是假货。当然你可以申请售后服务, 但是也会增加你的时间成本。还有网店上的广告可能会让你神不知鬼不觉的多花了好多钱在网络购物上。

Anyway, the online shopping makes the shopping easier, but please do it with rationality.

总之, 网络购物让购物变得更加简单, 但是请理智进行。

网购弊处总结 第一九篇

Today, people count on the high-tech products so much, we can see no matter where we are, we could find people low down their hands, playing their cellphones.

About two years ago, it is very popular that people shopping online, now as the function of cellphone has been highly developed, people can use their cellphone to shop online. As shopping online is so convenient, more and more people like to buy things online, especially the men, because they don' t like to go out, now the Internet can help them shop in a quick way. The things online are various, people can search what they want and pare with the price, they can buy the products they want.

Shopping online is the new way for people to purchase, in the future, it will be more and more popular. The Internet provides people' s life.

网购弊处总结 第二零篇

Online shopping is becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons: prices are often lower online, we don't have to queue up in busy shops and we can buy almost any products imaginable with just a few clicks of our mouse. All these above are advantages of shoppiing on line, there are still some disadvantages of it, like some clothes we can't try them on, we don't know exactly about the size and color, so we can't choose them correctly. Also, there are fake and low qulity goods on line, so we can't avoid some time.

In the past, a lot of people were reluctant to shop online. Many were worried about the security of entering their card details on the internet and the reliability of the internet, but as shopping online has become more widespread, these worries have begun to disappear.

网购弊处总结 第二一篇

Online shopping is popular nowadays.

It is easy, fast and convenient. Take JD for an example. I place an order in the morning, it reaches the destination in the afternoon. Online shopping saves time and money on transportation. But it also has some disadvantages. We will have to provide our address, telephone number and even bank account with the online shop owners.

In other word, we may expose ourselves to unknown dangers. So the only way is to be cautious to online shopping. Choose the reliable online shop owners with good reputations only.

网购弊处总结 第二二篇

With the development of the Internet and the popularization of puter, shopping online is normal and even necessary in our life. As many of us might have witnessed, more individuals do the shopping on the Internet. Shopping on the Internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.

Undoubtedly, online shopping has made our everyday life more convenient and fortable.

Firstly, the types of the modities can bedazzle you. Online products range from small items such as garments and books to bulk merchandise, for instance, the puters. Therefore, individuals can buy almost everything on the Internet. Beyond that, With the online tools that facilitate products parison. Consumers can contrast products prices and features to make a better decision and get the goods at a lower price.

However, for another, its potential dangers to the consumers could not be ignored. First, the Internet is visual and we can only see the goods rather than touch them, which let us have false views and make wrong decisions.

Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the confidence level of online stores, they might get cheated. Consumers may also lose their private information during online shopping.

In my opinion, shopping on the internet is an irreversible tide. More and more consumers will be accustomed to it. In addition, it will be much more popular in the near future. So at the same time it is urgency to regulate the relevant laws according to the rapid growth of online shopping.

Only in this way, can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without concern of being treated.

网购弊处总结 第二三篇

Now, online shopping have become a fashion. To this online shopping, it has many advantages. but it also has many disadvantages.

Many advantages: online shopping is very convenient to everyone. people can save a lot of time to do other thing and not necessary to waste a lot of time to go shopping at market.

Many disadvantages: we buy some things at online, but we buy things have many quality very bad and have many things is useless. so online shopping is vety not good.

To this online shopping question. I also have many suggests. I think we should cautious to buy a lot of things. To we buy some things and we should watch some estimates if have mang good estimates and less bad estimates. we can buy this thing. Only in this way, we can buy many useful things.

网购弊处总结 第二四篇

With the rapid development of science and technology, living standards have been improved. For this, I believe most of people have a rather acute sense of the change of shopping style. In fact, many people have already bought something that they like by online shopping.

As a new shopping way, online shopping is not only convenient but also helpful for people. Why do I think so?On the one hand, online shopping doesn' t need you to pour a lot of time and energy into buying things. If you go shopping in this way, you will spend a few minutes in choosing the things that you need online instead of going out. Nowdays, we are busy studying as well as working, so that we have less time to go out for shopping. Moreover, online

shopping doesn' t need us to get the things in person. On the other hand, online stores can provide various goods to satisfy our endless need. Besides, we can save much money by online shopping.

From above, we can know that online shopping has good effect on our life, but every coin has two sides. Online shopping also has shortcoming. For example, we maybe buy something wrong online because we don' t take much notice of the quality of the goods. And there are many swindlers who cheat us out of money by opening a fake online store.

In a word, although online shopping is a good way in shopping, we also need to reflect on when we buy things in this way.

网购弊处总结 第二五篇

Recently, we often show that shopping online is better than in store, but is this really the case? Actually, there is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of shopping online is better than traditional shopping. Some people consider that online shopping will replace the mall shopping, stores will disappear in the future, while others argue that stores would unlikely to be disappeared, it has its own advantages.

Most people shopping online because it is very convenient, there is no need to go out, just click the mouse gently, they can buy the goods they want. In addition, goods online are cheaper than entity shop that buyers can save a lot of money. But even the coin has two sides. Online shopping also has advantages and disadvantages. In recent years, we see a lot of news about online cheating, and many buyers complain about poor quality of the goods, which is different with the description.

However, the situation above is rare in traditional shopping store, because the guest can communicate with the seller face to face. Buyers can also see goods intuitively. But the traditional shopping does not convenience as well as online shopping, for example, if people meet a traffic jam on the way to the shopping which will affect the happy mood of shopping.

To sum up, online shopping and traditional shopping has their own advantages and disadvantages. They can exist together, in recent period of time, online shopping will not replace traditional shopping.

网购弊处总结 第二六篇

Online shopping become young customers favorite nowadays. Online shopping platform such as Taobao, Ebay develop rapidly. However, several problems have appeared through the developing process.

The price of products is usually much cheaper than traditional shopping because producer can sell their products directly to customers without court rent or pay for shop assistents. Customers can also save much time by clicking the mouse and writing for their goods at home. While customers can merely obtain information by reading and watching photographs online, so risks for cheating or misleading do exist, and when these negative issues happens, it is not conveniet to change the things.

It is apparent that online-shopping have many advantages, while customers should also pay attention on dishonest advertisements and announcements.

网购弊处总结 第二七篇

Recently, there is a heat debate about on-line shopping is good or not. Everyone has his own idea. For me, I would love to buying things from internet.

There are lots of advantages of on-line shopping. Firstly, you can enjoy the convenience of on-line shopping: surf the internet and order your things easily. Secondly, you can search as much information as you can which normal couldn't do. What's more, lots of people love to pursue the fashion and then they choose on-line shopping.

But there is another voice: _The virtual is dishonest, it is not safe to do business through the internet. _

In my view, on-line shopping's advantage outweights its disadvantage. With the development of network technology and human moral, our trade through the internet will be more safe.

网购弊处总结 第二八篇

Shopping on the Internet, is being more and more popular. More and more people are using the internet to buy something. Some people say that it is more convenient. They can just stay at home and shop for anything that they want at any time, day or night. If you want to buy something on the internet, you need a credit card. You have to type you credit card number and information on the web site and send it to the store over internet. But you can not see the goods to enjoy with friends and shopping.

购物在互联网上, 正受到越来越多的.青睐。越来越多的人使用互联网来买东西。有人说, 它是更方便, 他们可以呆在家里买商店的东西, 他们可在任何时间, 白天或晚上。如果你想在互联网上买东西, 你需要一张信用卡。你要在网站上输入您的信用卡号码和信息, 并将其发送到存储在互联网。但是你不能看货, 享受与朋友和购物。

网购弊处总结 第二九篇

There are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them.

Online shopping has several advantages. First, you can shop at any time. Second, to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse. Third, you can compare the prices of the same products and save money. You can also receive it anywhere in the world at any time!

But shopping on the Internet also has some disadvantages. Paying over the Internet isn' t always safe. You can' t see the product or try the clothes on.

I think our life is changing because of online shopping. One day no one will go to the shops any more, because you' ll be able to buy almost anything on the Internet.

网购弊处总结 第三零篇

With the rapid development of the Internet and the increasing needs of goods, online shopping of its convenience is the best choice in our fast-paced life.

When we approach online shopping, our first problem is whether it could guarantee our benefit. In one setting, products bought by us are far away from the description of sellers. They are sometimes of poor quality.

However, it is not the worst matter. There has the way to avoiding such issues that we should keep calm and read ments written by other customers. It is not rational that buy is in haste, repent at leisure. In another setting, our individual information is exposed in the Internet. The exposition may stir our peaceful life into a mess. A cheater will take advantage of our information to open an account and make an overdraft. Money will not be sent to us but a bill will, thus we will be in high debt.

No doubt, there are some leaks of online shopping. But if we are enough careful, wewould enjoy the shopping online.

网购弊处总结 第三一篇


关键词:大学生 网络购物 安全意识 调查报告 思想道德修养 法律基础



(一) 大学生对网上购物的基本认识。

是否有过网购经历 A.有 B.没有 ——

八一% 一九% ——

对网上购物安全性认识 A.安全 B.不安全 C.不清楚

五一% 二二% 二七%



(二) 大学生网购的主要途径和物品(含多选)。

经常使用的网购网站 A淘宝 B拍拍 C.易趣 D其他

八零% 二% 一零% 八%

主要购买的物品 A.服装 B.数码产品 C文化书刊 D其他

五八% 一一% 一五% 一六%




购物前是否与卖家联系 A每次都联系 B.不经常联系 C根本不联系

四九% 三五% 一六%

网购前是否注意卖家的信誉与评价 A注意 B.不曾注意 ——

八八% 一二% ——

购物时是否购买退运保险 A每次都购买 B偶尔购买 C从不购买

一二% 三六% 四九%

以上数据反映:大学生在网购时每次都与卖家联系的占四九%,不经常联系的占三五%,不过根本不联系的还占一六%,在网购前注意卖家信誉与评价的占八八%,不曾注意的占一二%。部分大学生在网购时很注意卖家的信誉与评价,这其实是依靠一种道德上的约束,这种举措在网购时是值得肯定的 。但大学生在网购时每次都购买退运保险的只占一二%,偶尔购买和从不购买退运保险的却分别占三六%,四九%。这组数据反映出很大的问题。可能大家认为在信誉较好的网站购物再买退运保险是没必要的,这种侥幸心理往往是非法商家价钻取的空子,是不可取的,从这个角度来讲大学生的网购安全存在很大的隐患。


网购之前是否做好必要的安全措施 A是 B否. ——

七零% 三零% ——

网购时是否索要发票 A.是 B.否 ——

二六% 七四% ——

网购后如何收货 A当面检查后签收 B不检查直接签收 ——

五五% 四五% ——



月生活费是多少时你更倾向于网购 —四零零元 —六零零元 元以上 ——

九% 三七% 五四% ——

网购时的最大消费金额 元 —二零零元 —五零零元 元以上

八% 四四% 三五% 一三%


你是在那个阶段开始网购的 A.小学 B初中 C高中 D大学

一% 二七% 二零% 五二%

你是怎样学会网购的 A自学 B向其他同学请教 C老师的督促 ——

三一% 六八% 一% ——


调查显示:在小学就开始网购的占一%,这个比例虽很小,从网购安全的角度来说,一名小学生的安全防范意识是很低的,隐患很大。在初中和高中网购的分占二七%、二零%,在这个阶段大家的防范意识相对较强,且能较早的融入当代经济的潮流,还很不错。在大学里网购的就明显较多,占五二%,这也是当代大学生的特点之一,这一阶段大学生的人生经历较为丰富,切有相对的维权意识,使网购的安全性相对提高。大学生自学网购的占三一%,向其他同学请教的占六八%,在老师督促下学会网购的只占一%。在这个过程中,自学的风险可能会大一点,很可能会上当,还是更应该以向其他同学学习为主,能更多的了解网购的弊端,以免上当受骗。 (七)

网上购物时是否有退换货的情况 A.有 B.没有 ——

二八% 七二% ——

商家发错货是你是接受还是换货 A.换货 B.接受 ——

八零% 二二% ——

网购时是否有投诉维权经历 A.有 B.没有 ——

一五% 八五% ——









调查结果显示,只有五一%的大学生认为网上购物是安全的, 近一半的大学生对网购的安全性不了解、甚至就认为网购不安全。以我看来,大家对网购的信任度才真正决定着今后网购的发展。之所以那么多的大学生多网购的安全性怀疑,主要有一下几个原因。首先,在我国互联网虽然高速发展,但是与互联网相配套的法律法规几乎还是空白,跟不上时代的步伐和时代的要求。目前,网上消费者权益的保障在我国还是一个“盲点”。 用我国现有的法律法规,对网上购物中消费者权益进行保障显得简单、散乱、缺陷很多、可操作性不强等特点。远不能适应网上购物迅速发展所要求的对消费者权益保障的迫切需要。因此,加强对网上购物中消费者权益保障的法律研究和立法、加强对市场的监管力度,给广大的大学生提供一个安定和谐的网购环境已经迫在眉睫了。其次,现在大学生的信息比较畅通,了解到网购受骗的实例比较多,耳染目濡,就渐渐对网购产生一种不信任。诚信问题成为制约我国网上交易发展的瓶颈之一。网络购物由于采取非实物、非现场的购物形式,因此很容易出现物品的实际效果与广告宣传不符的现象。其次,网络上的各种购物网站也是良莠不齐,有些网站专门采取低价诱惑的手段来推销二手货或残次品。同时还有不少人利用网络进行诈骗,不少消费者遭遇汇款后商家不发货的状况。网上购物的售后服务较差,“三包”责任难落实。有时商品出了问题经营者能推则推,就算有售后服务也只是表面应付一下,许多问题根本得不到实质解决。在线投诉渠道也不畅,不能找到投诉处理部门或人员,不能联系到网站,投诉电话或邮件没有人理睬的问题,对网购的信任度自然就低了。





(二) 大学生个人也应注意培养自己的安全意识。




网购弊处总结 第三二篇

There is no denying the fact that online shopping has been gaining popularity these years. Obviously, it has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, it's a convenient way to purchase. People can buy things without going out. In the second place, goods online are usually sold at prices lower than in conventional stores, so we are more likely to buy bargains on the Internet. Last but not least, online shopping offers us a lot more choices of goods since we can browse online stores without the limit of time and location.

Nevertheless, as every coin has two sides, shopping online also has demerits/disadvantages. For one thing, it is hard to tell whether the thing one search in an online shop is fake or not. For another, people can not check or try on the thing they buy until they receive it. An added risk lies with online payment, which hasn' t proved to be secure enough. One' s password may be stolen.

From my point of view, the advantages of online shopping outweigh its disadvantages. We may take advantage of it but we need also take measures to ensure that its disadvantages are reduced to the minimum so that it can serve us in a better way.

网购弊处总结 第三三篇

With the development of e-commerce, shopping online becomes a new way of shopping which is getting more and more popular. Many citizens are likely to shop through internet nowadays.

Generally speaking, shopping online offers lots of advantages with its convenience the most prominent. There are many commodities on the internet where you can search whatever you want. Besides, you just click the mouse can you get all information you want, so that you don' t have to go to the shop personally. In addtition, the commodities on the Internet is usually cheaper than the stores which can save much money.

However, everything has two sides. You can not see the products or check their qualities and some of the sellers on the Internet is not so honest. And, for those who enjoys shopping around different stores, shopping online perhaps will make them bo oring.

In my opinion, shopping online has more advantages than disadvantages, and with the improvement of e-commerce, there will be more people to shop on the Internet.

网购弊处总结 第三四篇

Nowadays, many people choose to shopping online because it's convient.

First, let's talk about some advantages of shopping online. More and more young people prefer shopping online for their shortage of time. They have to work in the daytime and also have to spend a lot of time on rest and entertainment. So they buy the goods online to save the time of walking around in the shop. And if you can't find the goods you want in the physical shop, you maybe buy them online beacause the online stores dispose of a large variety of good.

Of coures, you have to be careful of online shopping. There is a big difference between the post photos and the goods. And you also can't try the clothes nor touch the thing when you browse the web pages. And it may take a lot of time in logistics distribution.

As long as you can make sure that you will not regret for your chosen goods, I think shopping online is a good choice.

网购弊处总结 第三五篇

Recently, online shopping boom and a lift. I also followed the trend of team, had been on the Internet a _cyber addiction_. While looking at web page goods, remind of myself every time shopping experience.

For the first time online shopping experience impressed me the most profound. I decided to buy a pair of shoes in the _taobao_, I opened the _taobao_ and search the shoes, one with a total of more than one hundred pages, I from the first page browsing, there are a lot of colorful, thousands of varieties of tennis shoes, have black, red, blue... I was so absorbed in looking for pink and black and white, and the tall canister boots.

Slowly in the tens of thousands of pairs of shoes, however, to find and time-consuming, and laborious, and demanding! I return to the top of the page, the color of _default_ changed to _pink and black_. I turned over a few pages back, I found a pair of special shoes. I open the web page. These shoes are pink and black, patent leather reflex the light, polished, like the wax, shiny! I looked at the details of this pair of shoes, just have the right shoe size.

Sellers in Beijing and I chat chat, the aunt said is promotion, can offer a sixty percent discount. I immediately took this pair of shoes, because this is my first time shopping, not familiar with the process I was careless to wire the money directly into the hands of the seller. This, my heart is burning, however, thought: _if she doesn't delivery to me? That I don't was swept away by the 'eat'?_ So, I have to open the _ali wangwang, _ said again just now, and the seller, the seller said: _I promise to send the arrival of the goods to you. _ But I think: _the network is virtual, who knows if the seller is real or fake?_

In the next few days, I always have some anxiety, and thought about _taobao_.

On the third day, the door suddenly progressive a package, open on see, is my order that pair of sneakers. Under it, the big stone in my heart finally left, the joy of the heart is really wonderful. After the joy, lost in thought again: _thanks to this honest seller, if meet with dishonest seller, is it not finished?_

Through this experience, I felt the further the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping. Online shopping in addition to saving our shopping time. And the price is cheap. We can get the thing that oneself like, effortless wide choice, convenient, save money, save time and energy. But also have to think about some questions: first, what we choose to pay the money was not the arrival of the goods? Also, whether the quality of our selected items will really like described in the platform website? Out of the various problems and application of how to solve?

I think, online shopping has both advantages and disadvantages, it can't replace everything, all kinds of ways, only mutual confluence, to achieve the real meaning of shopping.

网购弊处总结 第三六篇

With the development of technology, online shopping has bee popular in people' s daily life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. And to facilitate online purchase, stores provide pictures of their products together with other illustrations on the websites. Besides, online products range from small items such as clothes and books to large ones like puters.

Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Yet its potential dangers to the consumer could not be ignored. One possible risk is that consumers might not get the exact product they want because the information provided might not be enough or reliable. For a simple example, a consumer who wants to buy a pair of shoes might end up getting a pair with desired style but unfit sizes. After all, people have to try themselves when buying clothes or shoes. Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the credibility of online stores, they might get cheated.

Therefore, consumers should firstly be aware of the credibility of an online store. Secondly, people should not jump on the bandwagon because not all online shopping brings about convenience. Instead, they have to make their own judgment as to the kind of products that could be bought online. Thus, they could avoid possible trouble caused by inadequate or inaccurate information provided by an online store.

网购弊处总结 第三七篇

With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses.

The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.

网购弊处总结 第三八篇

Recent years, online shopping is becoming a part of people' s life, especially the young. People prefer to shopping online basic on they can buy everything without go out to the real shop which will cost a lot of time and make people tired.

To be honestly, I always shopping online. The reason was that my school was far away from the center of city. It was quite sad that I had been cheat through the ueality world. It also has many times that the product is not the style or color which I saw in the Internet. And all this phenomenon will cause some inconvenient.

In short, just like every coin has two sides, we should be careful when we shopping online. Making good use of it' s advantage to make our life convenient.

网购弊处总结 第三九篇







































网购弊处总结 第四零篇
















(一)、 网络中的商品比较丰富。相比现实社区活动区域的局限性, 网络作为虚拟的社区,有“无限”的空间和领域,在这个“无限”的空间中人们可以通过网络商店来寻找自己想要购买的商品和服务。网络虚拟社区空间的无地域、无国界的特点,导致网络购物也突破了地域、国界的界限,使消费者可以通过网络购买到自己生活的社区难以买到的商品。 (二)、 网络中商品价格相对低廉。

在网络中出售的商品通常要比传统商场的商品价格低一些,调查数据显示,学生比较关注的几种商品,服饰是折扣最大的,能达到五零%以上;其次是电子产品,平均折扣在四零%;折扣最小的是书籍,一般只便宜二零% - 三零%。网上中的商品低价的原因就在于网络可以省去传统商场无法省去的一些费用,例如场地租金、员工的工资等。因此网络商品的附加费用比较低,商品的价格也就低了。低廉的价格正是吸引大学生这个“纯消费”群体乐意参与网络购物的重要原因。



(四) 网络购物的群体认同感。

网络购物作为一种新兴的购物方式,从它的兴起到慢慢成熟, 网络购物人数在不断的增加。但由于网络购物的限定性, 网络购物的消费者相对而言还是少数,人们对网络消费还是感觉很新奇, 网络购物者也会把自己同其他群体分离开来,形成一个特殊的`群体。特别是大学生,个性使他们更喜欢“标榜”自己,从而更加注重网络购物所带来的特殊群体的认同感。










网购弊处总结 第四一篇

We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping these days. Some students think it's very convenient for us to go shopping on the internet. The shops on Internet, for example taobao. com, 三六零buy. com are open for almost 二四 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we like. What's more, we needn't to wait in a queue.

However, some students disagreed with them. We can't see the things while we are shopping. So we are not sure whether they are good or not Besides, we can't enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends.

网购弊处总结 第四二篇

Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology, shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.

Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example, shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorten the distance between manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in other countries. On the other hand, lack of the face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. What' s more the delivery will increase the risk of items' damage.

In my opinion, shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect.

网购弊处总结 第四三篇

Nowadays, internet has made much large change. More and more people don' t go out. If people need some things, they would shop online.

There is no doubt that shopping online can save much time and energy. People only sit aside a computer and press mouse constantly. Then, the wares will be sent to home. Of course, the price may be lower than store' s. Every coin has two sides. Shopping online means that people can' t touch the goods after they pay for it. So good quality needs luck. People who like shopping online enjoy themselves when they run over the photos of goods. And other people are happy with going window-shopping well.

In a word, shopping online is not only a way of shopping but also a style of life. It is imaginable that the beneficiaries are the man who don' t want to be company with woman.

网购弊处总结 第四四篇

With the development of new technology, the internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. It changes our life greatly. For example, firstly, we can buy whatever we like on the internet. If you don't want to buy clothes in the mall, you can go shopping just by surfing the net, and there are many kinds of clothes on taobao website. Doesn't it wonderful! Secondly, we can chat with friends on the internet. If you don't know the homework, you can ask you classmates by QQ. What's more, QQ is for free to all people who use it. Thirdly, we can get a lot of information on the internet. If we can't figure out a math problem. We can start our computer and google it.

To sum up, the internet can do good to our study and life, but it can do bad to us too. for instance, some students spent a great many of time and money playing computer games. They forget to do their homework and copy other's before going to school. In addition, the information on the net are not all good to us. we are exposed to unhealthy things as well.

网购弊处总结 第四五篇


Shopping on the internet





Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology, shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters. Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and fortable. For example, shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorten the distance

网购弊处总结 第四六篇

At present, online shopping is getting more and more popular. It has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it really brings us convenience and helps us save a lot of time. Not only can we buy things without going out, but also buy things at a lower price.

On the other hand, online shopping is not good because we can' t see the products. Sometimes we may get cheated. In my opinion, I prefer to shop online. Because this kind of shopping is both convenient and cheap.

It' s a good way to save money. AndI believe more and more people will choose this way to shop.

网购弊处总结 第四七篇

如今, 网购已经成为人们的热门购物方式之一, 出门购物已经成为一种休闲时的散步。

Today, online shopping has become one of the most popular way of shopping, shopping has become a leisure walk.

网购的优点有很多。它可以在家“逛商店_, 订货不受时间、地点的限制。它获得较大量的商品信息, 可以买到当地没有的商品。它从订货、买货到货物上门无需亲临现场, 既省时又省力。综上可以看出, 网上购物突破了传统商务的障碍, 无论对消费者、企业还是市场都有着巨大的吸引力和影响力, 在新经济时期无疑是达到“多赢_ 效果的理想模式。

There are many advantages of online shopping. It can _shop_ at home, and orders are not limited by time and place. It has a large amount of commodity information, can buy local goods. It from the order, to buy goods to the door without going to the scene, both time-saving and labor-saving. As can be seen, the online shopping break through the barriers of traditional business, both for consumers, enterprises still have significant market appeal and influence in the new economic era is undoubtedly the ideal model to achieve _win-win_ effect.

但是, 网购还有许多缺点。网购只能是看到照片, 到货物真的到达手里, 会感觉和实物有不一样, 这就不如在商场里买到的放心。网络支付不安全, 可能被偷窥, 密码被盗。而且 收货太慢, 尽管现在EMS的.速度已经比以前的邮寄快了不知多少倍, 毕竟买家还是要等上几天。网购也不能和亲戚朋友一起体会逛街闲聊的悠闲。

However, there are many disadvantages of online shopping. Online shopping is only to see photos, to the goods really arrive in the hands, will feel and kind is not the same, it is better to buy at the mall at ease. Network payment is not safe, may be peeping, passwords stolen. And receiving too slow, although the speed of EMS has been faster than the previous mail do not know how many times, after all, buyers still have to wait a few days. Online shopping can not be together with relatives and friends to experience the leisurely chat shopping.

我认为网购不比逛街好, 应该减少网购或加强网购的安全性。

I think online shopping is not better than shopping, should reduce the security of online shopping or online shopping.
