橙就范文网 总结报告 英语写作分词规则总结_英语写作怎么分段


英语写作分词规则总结 第一篇一、在感官动词(如:hear/find/hear/smell/observe/watch/notice)之后,我们可以用两类分词做宾语补足语。简单来说,宾语补足语就是对宾语。


英语写作分词规则总结 第一篇


(一)、I heard him criticized many times.(过去分词做宾补)

(二)、We saw the sun rising from behind the trees.(现在分词做宾补)


In the park you often see people do shadow boxing(太极拳,表示一个动作的全过程)


英语写作分词规则总结 第二篇





a puzzling problem=a problem that puzzles everyone

The exploring class=the class that exploits others(剥削阶级)



falling leaves=leaves that are falling





the exploited class=the class that is exploited(被剥削阶级,表示被动)

The boiled water=the water that has been boiled(表示完成)



a retired general=a general that has retired.




英语写作分词规则总结 第三篇

In their tenses verbs follow the divisions of time. They have present tense, past tense and future tense with their variations to express the exact time of action as to an event happening, having happened or yet to happen.


There are four simple moods, --- the infinitive, the indicative, the imperative and the subjunctive.

The mood of a verb denotes the mode or manner in which it is used. Thus if it is used in its widest sense without reverence to person or number, time or place, it is in the Infinitive Mood; as “To run.” Here we are not told who does the running, when it is done, where it is done or anything about it.

When a verb is used to indicate or declare or ask a simple question or make any direct statement, it is in the Indicative Mood. “The boy loves his book.” Here a direct statement is made concerning the boy. “Have you a pin?” Here a simple question is asked which calls for an answer.

When the verb is used to express a command or entreaty it is in the Imperative Mood as, :Go away.” Give me a penny.

When the verb is used to express doubt, supposition or uncertainty or when some future action depends upon a contingency, it is in the subjunctive mood; as, “If I come, he shall remain. “

Verbs have two participles, the present or imperfect, sometimes called the active ending in -ing and the past or perfect, often called the passive, ending in -ed or d.

The infinitive expresses the sense of the verb in a substantive form, the participles in an adjective form; as “To rise early is healthful.” “An early rising man.” “The newly risen sun.”

The participle in -ing is frequently used as a substantive and consequently is equivalent to an infinitive; thus, “To rise early is healthful” and “Rising early is healthful” are the same.

The principal parts of a verb are the Present Indicative, Past Indicative and Past Participle; as:

Love. Loved. Loved

Sometimes one or more of these parts are wanting, and then the verb is said to be defective



Passive participle












Verbs may also be divided into principal and auxiliary. A principal verb is that without which a sentence or clause can contain no assertion or affirmation. An auxiliary is a verb joined to the root or participles or a principal verb to express time and manner with greater precision than can be done by the tenses and moods in their simple form. Thus, the sentence, “I am writing an exercise; when I shall have finished it I shall read it to the class.” Has no meaning without the principal verbs writing, finished, read; but the meaning is rendered more definite, especially with regard to time, by the auxiliary verbs am, have, shall.

There are nine auxiliary or helping verbs, viz., be have, do shall, will, may, can, ought, and must. They are called helping verbs, because it is by their aid the compound tenses are formed.


No matter how short, a sentence must contain one finite verb and a subject or agent to direct the action of the verb.

A sentence always contains two parts, something spoken about and something said about it. The word or words indicating what is spoken about form what is called the subject and the word or words indicating what is said about it from what is called the predicate.

Without a finite verb we cannot affirm anything or convey an idea, therefore we can have no sentence.

Infinitives and participles which are the infinite parts of the verb cannot be predicates. “I looking up the street” is not a sentence, for it is not a complete action expressed. When we hear such an expression as “A dog running along the street,” we wait for something more to be added, something more affirmed about the dog, whether he bit or barked or fell dead or was run over.

Thus in every sentence there must be a finite verb to limit the subject.

英语写作分词规则总结 第四篇




Having watered the garden,he began tomorrow the lawn(分词动作发生于谓语动作之前)

Riding in the street,during the rush hours,you must be careful.(分词动作和谓语动作同时发生)


Not knowing what to do next,I want to ask for your advice.


Given more time,I would be able to complete it.


Having lived in Canada for three years,he still can`t speak English well.


I went home,finding the door locked


He came running breathless and told me the results.
