橙就范文网 优秀作文 你心目中的宜居城市英语作文-关于宜居城市的一篇英语作文


你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第一篇Shenzhen is my favorite city. This is a young and promising city. I have lived in t。


你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第一篇

Shenzhen is my favorite city. This is a young and promising city. I have lived in this city for more than ten years.

I like the seafood and its beautiful scenery in summer. I can go to the seaside to watch the sunrise, or enjoy the fresh and cool sea water on weekends. I can go for a walk in the park.

When I grow up, Shenzhen is my hometown. Upward, I want to do it for this city Make a contribution to make it a better city.



你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第二篇

Jessie, I just heard that you and Mary broke up. It's really sad that you like her so much. I can understand how you feel now.

I hope you don't feel too sad and unhappy things happen all the time in your life. It can only prove that the most suitable person is not there. I believe that time will be the best antidote.

I hope you can cheer up soon. Our friends are always around you If you need me, I will accompany you at any time. Robin 二 dill Robin, thank you for your concern.

I'm still in deep sorrow. I admit I still can't forget Mary. She's a girl I like very much.

I used to think we'd be together forever, but now I can only try to convince myself to forget her. Maybe it's a difficult process, but there's no way to come back to us. I just hope she's happy in the future I really don't know how to spend this time without your company.

I can't help thinking of her smile these days, but I know clearly that we can't go back any more. I will concentrate on my work, so please don't worry about me, Jesse.



你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第三篇

I want to live in a big city. Hangzhou sounds like my dream city. I want to live in a small apartment.

My house is very close to my home. There will be many lovely things, big bears, pink cats and so on. Because I am just a little girl, my house will be very comfortable.

I dream that I can live in such a beautiful house.



你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第四篇

My hometown comes from Yantai, Shandong Province. It is a very beautiful coastal city with a long cultural history. Tongtian building is one of the top ten charming cities in China.

There are not only Tashan amusement park, Nanshan Park, Penglai Chinese style pavilion and many other tourist and entertainment attractions. Yantai is not inferior to Yantai in terms of food, including Yantai apple, Laiyang pear and Changyu Wine It's also a well-known life in Yantai. It's a kind of enjoyment to look at the blue sky, the clear sea water and the neat sea breeze every day in Yantai.

I think this is also an inseparable part that is rated as the most suitable for human beings to live in. Welcome to Yantai, there is a place worthy of your visit.



你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第五篇

A livable city. I think staying anywhere is a livable city. If you like this city, my livable city is Shanghai.

Maybe many people will say: there are many people in Shanghai, there are too many cars, and the air is not the best. But maybe I lived in Shanghai when I was born. I think I have a good feeling for Shanghai.

I would like to introduce my favorite city: Although there are some problems in Shanghai, there are still many problems in our city, but if you live in Shanghai, you will have a lot of opportunities to find a good job on weekends. You can go to a quiet place with your friends, go to a romantic place to have a drink, you can also go to some place to read books and enjoy your slow life like a book bar. If you have money, you can also Maybe you can shop in Shanghai.

I like to stay in Shanghai and take a walk in the evening. This is my living habit. I can go for a walk in some gardens.

This is my favorite city. Life is very fast. But if you can find a balance point, if you have the ability, I think staying in Shanghai is a good choice.



你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第六篇

Travel around China as one of the largest countries in the world, China attracts both foreign and domestic tourists. One of the most famous cities is Xi'an. I hope I can visit it one day, because Xi'an is one of the oldest cities in China.

It is famous for many historical buildings, such as pottery figurines. Another famous city is Shanghai, the host of the World Expo. This city has developed rapidly in the past ten years, reflecting the great achievements China has made since the implementation of the open policy, except for the above cities Besides, I hope I can travel all over the country.



你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第七篇

Beijing, the capital of China, is a very beautiful and important city. It is one of the oldest cities in China. There are many famous wonders and beautiful scenic spots, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the summer palace, Beihai Park, etc.

Due to the open door, Beijing is also the center of China's politics, economy and culture. Great changes have taken place in the policies. Many new houses and tall buildings can be seen everywhere.

The living conditions of Beijing citizens are getting better and better. Beijing has succesully applied for the Olympic Games. I believe that in the next few years, there will be more changes in Beijing.

I love China. I love Beijing.




你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第八篇

I want to live in a city. When I was in school, I traveled around many cities in China. Until now, I found that Qinhuangdao is the best city in my heart for four reasons: first, the natural environment is very pleasant, there are many trees and flowers on the mountain; second, it is close to the sea, and it is the cleanest compared with other cities.

The people here are very good, very good. Fourth, the food is delicious. In short, this is my favorite city.



你心目中的宜居城市英语作文 第九篇

I don't agree with the saying that quick decisions are always wrong. However, I think these decisions may prove wrong more often than those made cautiously. Quick decisions are based on what we call intuitive reactions or our feelings about a situation.

Sometimes these intuitive reactions are based on a good feeling of empirical support, but sometimes they say you are working, The boss will call you to his office and tell you that there is a big project to do. He thinks you are the most suitable person for the job, but he needs you to answer on the spot. He didn't tell you what the project is, but you quickly decided to accept the project.

Because you are based on many factors that you will encounter in the future, one of which is that the boss asks you to do some things he thinks What you can't do is meaningless, it will only damage his business. In addition, doing well in this project may help you achieve higher development in your career. If you want to be ahead of time, suppose you are on a deserted highway at night, your car breaks down, and a car driven by someone you think is not right is coming.

He gives you a lift to the nearest gas station, and you quickly decide to accept the car, because it's very late, and you Cold and tired, you don't want to sit there waiting. It's a quick decision. It's a wrong decision.

You shouldn't trade your personal safety for physical comfort. If you think about it carefully, you don't know when to make a quick decision. You have to be able to guess the possible advantages and possible ers.

If it's a small decision, such as where to launch, who cares If my whole future is erous, I want to think about it as much as possible.


