橙就范文网 优秀作文 有关肢体报告的英语作文八零_英语作文肢体语言范文


有关肢体报告的英语作文八零 第一篇It has been more than three years since I began to learn English. I am very happy t。


有关肢体报告的英语作文八零 第一篇

It has been more than three years since I began to learn English. I am very happy that I get along well with it. I found English very interesting, but it was very difficult when I first started to learn think I just need to remember new words and learn some grammar. I know little about English idioms. When I learned to say _I saw a book on the desk_, I think every English word has the same Chinese think the English word _see_ is like the Chinese word _kan_, so one day the teacher asked I, _what are you doing?_ I replied, _I'm reading a book._ _that's wrong._ the teacher said, _you didn't see a book. You read a book. You can't use an English word like Chinese 't make the same mistake again._ after that, I began to pay more attention to the differences between Chinese and English. In English, we say _mountain_, while in Chinese, we use the same word _tall_ ”In English, we say _take part in the sports meeting_, _participate in the meeting_ and _join the army_. In Chinese, we can use all three words _can_ It's interesting, isn't it? Learning English doesn't mean working should not only pay attention to pronunciation, grammar, spelling and writing. Before that, I must try to learn English well, and I must also learn English well, so that I can work well when I grow up.中文翻译:自从我开始学英语已经三年多了,我很高兴我和它相处得很好。我发现英语很有趣,但在我刚开始学英语的时候很难,我想我只要记住生词和学习一些语法我对英语习语知之甚少当我学会说“我看见桌上有一本书”时,我想每个英语单词都有一个相同的中文意思,我认为英语单词“see”就像汉语单词“kan”,所以有一天老师问我,“你在干什么?”我回答说,“我在看一本书”“那是错的,”老师说“你没看见一本书你读了一本书你不能用一个像中国人那样的英语单词一定不要再犯同样的错误”之后,我开始更加注意中英文之间的差异,在英语里我们说“高山”,而“高个子”在汉语中我们用同一个词“高”,在英语中我们说“参加运动会”、“参加会议”和“参军”,而在汉语中,我们可以把这三个词都用“can jia”来表示,这很有趣,不是吗,学习英语并不意味着努力工作,我们不仅要注意发音、语法、拼写和书写,在这之前,我必须努力把英语学好,而且我还必须努力把英语学好,我也必须学好英语,这样我长大后才能好好工作。

有关肢体报告的英语作文八零 第二篇

There are many different climate types in the south of China. The temperature change between summer and winter is very small, but the climate in the northern and central states is quite different. People wear light clothes in summer, and they need heavy wool or fur clothes in winter in the winter, it is warm and pleasant, but the temperature in eastern China is unpleasant. The temperature in summer is very different from that in winter, It is usually hot in winter and cold in winter. The temperature is comfortable and warm in spring and cool and pleasant in autumn.中文翻译:中国的南部有许多不同的气候类型,夏季和冬季之间的温度变化很小,但是中北部各州的气候却大不相同,人们在夏天穿着轻便的衣服,在西南部的冬天他们需要厚重的羊毛或毛皮衣服冬季温暖宜人,但中国东部地区的气温却令人不快,夏季气温与冬季相差甚远,冬季通常炎热,冬季通常寒冷,春季气温舒适温暖,秋季气温凉爽宜人。

有关肢体报告的英语作文八零 第三篇

My favorite animal is panda, they are very cute, they are lazy, also like to eat bamboo. They are national treasures, so we must protect them. You know, Jingjing, the Olympic mascot, is a like it very much, and they only have two colors: black and white. Maybe you think it's too simple, but I think the simplest one is that I like pandas. Do you like them.中文翻译:我最喜欢的动物是熊猫,它们很可爱,它们很懒,也很喜欢吃竹子。它们是国宝,所以我们必须保护它们。你知道吗,奥运会吉祥物晶晶是一只熊猫,我很喜欢它,而且它们只有两种颜色车身:黑色和怀特也许你觉得这太简单了,但我看,最简单的就是我喜欢熊猫,你喜欢它们吗。
