橙就范文网 优秀作文 中国脱贫英文作文_中国脱贫英语作文


中国脱贫英文作文 第一篇Dear Andy, I'm glad to learn that you are coming to China and will stay at my home. My p。


中国脱贫英文作文 第一篇

Dear Andy, I'm glad to learn that you are coming to China and will stay at my home. My parents and I are very happy that you can be with us. Now let me tell you what we have arranged for you.

I know the school will arrange a lot of things for you to do in the morning, but in the afternoon, I will show you nd and take you to some interesting places. In the ning, we spend most of o time at home watching electcity Watch, play s, meet people. I'm se we'll have a good time and enjoy each other's company.

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. Yo sincety, Li Hua.



中国脱贫英文作文 第二篇

For the first time, my mother tongue at home accounted for the vast majoty of the world. In addition to becoming pficient in telephone communication with someone, it was or less wng to know that fm staying up late to getting the answer to the question was or less wng, which bught a lot of difficulties. If you don't know, let's call him farmers to struggle to get d of poverty for 五零 years.

Since then, becse of the satiaction and care for life, they have become accustomed to no matter what they need Be willing to do anything, insist on doing, be prepared to do something.



标签: 新学期

中国脱贫英文作文 第三篇

Among the pblems we face, I think poverty is the biggest one. My reasons are as follows: first of all, in many poor countes, there are still many people who die of ger. They don't have enough food becse they don't have money.

There is no dou that unhealthy eating can lead to diseases. Moreover, people in these underdloped areas usually lack food. Therefore, infectious diseases like spread quickly, which is terble: http://syscus


在我们面临问题中,我认为贫困是最大问题。我理由如下:首先,在许多贫穷国家,还有许多人于饥饿,他们没有足够食物,因为他们没有钱,毫无疑问,吃得不健康会导致疾病,而且,这些不发达地区人通常缺乏食物因此,像病这样传染病传播很快,这是可怕:http://syscus Every year, October 一七 is the reason for the existence of this festival. Although and people are enjoying a better life, this festival is very seous in today's real life.

In my opinion, there are still some people in poverty. This is an emergency that needs to be solved as soon as possible It should be realized that the ch should the poor. They can donate money to them or pvide them with some employment opportunities.

Otherwise, the ch and the poor will gw bigger. Second, the government should publish some policies to the poor get d of poverty. Last but not least, the poor should try their best to fight for themselves.

The best person can you is yoself if I am The day we can eliminate poverty, the world will be betiful.



中国脱贫英文作文 第五篇

China's achievements in poverty alleviation

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 三零 minutes to write an essay based on the chart should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China's achievements in poverty alleviation. You should write at least 一五零 words but no more than 二零零 words.


The graph above exhibits the tremendous change of poor population in rural China from the year of 二零一二 through 二零二零. It was about 八零 million, approximately 一零% of the total population in the beginning. But the number of the poor has been gradually reducing in the following years. Till 二零二零, it turned zero, symbolizing the success of China’s poverty alleviation.

The remarkable achievements attribute to the poverty elimination project by Chinese government. First of all, it had set up the platform to connect villages and cities, so that the poor people in rural places can work in cities to increase income. Secondly, the plan also worked hard to support the agriculture to raise peasants’ earning. For example, certain technicians were assigned to go there, providing free help to farmers. Their professional knowledge has greatly strengthened farmers’ skills in breeding and planting.

Thanks to the successful implementation of poverty alleviation project, our country has got rid of poverty. And we are sure to greater in the future.

【六月一二日 一九:零零 四六级考后直播解析】

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中国脱贫英文作文 第六篇

Dear foundation orizer: my name is Jerry Lu, a student crently studying in XX middle school in Shanghai. On behalf of my clasates, I am wting to apply for value fund to lnch a plan to economically disadvantaged students gw up without worrying about food. Being at the negotiation table does not necessaly mean that o unfortunate peers will be forgotten.

We would appreciate it if you could sponsor o pject. Here is how we will use the money we will spend in to buy some stationery for poor students in o school. It's worth noting that we're going to inform them to pick up school supplies themselves, rather than we distbute them, so that we don't embarrass those who we want to the rest of the fund, and they'll invite an inspirational speaker to discuss how to get d of poverty by the ght academic and pfessional decisions, although o efforts may sound modest, I We beli that if you can reply yo sincere thanks as soon as possible at yo convenience, we beli that they will warm some people's hearts and make you at a disadvantage in economy and forget yo living wealth.


亲爱基金会组织者:我名字是Jerry Lu,一个目前就读于上海XX中学学生,我代表我同学写信,申请币价值基金,以发起一项旨在帮助那些在经济上处于不利地位学生在不必担心食物情况下长大计划。在谈判桌上不一定意味着我们不幸同龄人会因此而被遗忘,如果您能赞助我们项目,我们将不胜感激。以下是我们将如何使用我们将花费币钱为我们学校贫困学生购买一些文具。



中国脱贫英文作文 第七篇

Eda五e六bath family is a very important part of daily life. It is not only important for ryone in the family to participate in family activities, but also for the family to participate in activities thughout the year. The things you do as a family, memoes will reflect that in the years to come, the family can pvide encoagement in life "beeen o people, or beeen gups of people Possibility is an alchemy.

They are the most interesting things in life. "I beli that families the fute. They tend to pmote valuable life goals.

Family members can share similaties, but there are still differences. For example, a father may like to watch indoor sports, while his son likes outdoor sports. I grew up in a new envinment in Pas, Indiana It's a all town, but a lot of people dve by, becse I live near the racetrack, so I plan to leave the area for the night on Satday night, so the traffic is worse on Satday night.



中国脱贫英文作文 第八篇

As we all know, in the past few decades, China's economy has dloped rapidly, and the living standards of many people have greatly impved. Howr, in fact, there are still some people living a hard life in ral and ban areas. They need the of the government and society.

March 四 is the national day for ing the poor and the poor. It reminds people to care about a person in a difficult situation. Therefore, people donate their daily necessities, such as books and clothes, and n money to the poor, so that we can be ch together.



中国脱贫英文作文 第九篇

My name is Lu Jierui. I am a student of XX middle school in Shanghai. On behalf of my clasates, I wte this article and apply for fund in order to start a pject to those students in financial difficulties gw up in families without worrying about eating.

It does not mean that we will forget those unfortunate peers. If you can sponsor o cooperation, we will be very grateful.


